Where We Live

‘Where We Live’ is an exhibition of a selection of linocut prints and etchings that celebrates the landscape I live in with a focus on architecture. The starting point begins from my home in King Valley where the central building of a farm cottage sits in a layered landscape with iconic shaped trees and buildings including the distinctive tobacco kilns silhouetted in the distance and far-off mountains in the background.

The exhibition is at ART AT ST FRANCIS 326 Lonsdale St Melbourne from Tuesday 24th September till Monday 21st October
The gallery space is open Monday to Friday 9am -5pm and Sunday 9am -3pm

From country to city I find ‘where we live’ to be an inspiring subject matter where I can explore shape, texture, space and contrast in linocuts or the line, texture and pattern in an etching.

Printed in our King Valley Studio by my husband, Master Printmaker Bill Young, who has also handcrafted the frames from upcycled Kauri Pine floorboards.

If you are in or near Melbourne I hope you get an opportunity to pop in to see this body of work.

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